I suppose changing your clocks one hour ahead may not be as tough a job as this guy has but really it’s a hassle. The stove, microwave, the wall clocks, the DVD player, TV maybe. Then there is your watch, auto clock etc. At least many electronic devices are somewhat ‘smart’ and reset themselves. What I’d like to know is where does that hour really go? It is 2 am on Sunday and all of a sudden it is 3am. It’s painless, most of us are sleeping. I always wonder about people that are working, do they get by with just a seven hour shift?
Yeah, it is time to ‘spring forward’ remember that as you ‘fall back’ into the bed. Gads, I for one will NOT wait until late autumn to ‘fall back’ and regain an extra hour of sleep. I was looking forward to having it much lighter in the early morning hours but now it will be for a short while, darker in the morning. On the flip side, it will be lighter in the evening hours.
I really don’t know what “Daylight Saving Time” actually saves but at least I can say I saved something this month. ~Patrick